Quick Questions

Students with declared majors have an academic home and are assigned to an advisor or multiple advisors from their College and School, major department, to specialized advising programs and services. Students can check the name of their assigned advisor or advising unit by looking at the "Student General Information" screen of Duck Web.

You can also review the advising list for the most relevant advising contact. Many students find it helpful to meet each academic term. It is important to plan ahead and not wait until busy registration times to arrange a meeting

Is it important to get to know professors? What are office hours for?

It is always useful to get to know your professors. Professors keep office hours, and the times and locations will be on your syllabus, usually distributed on the first day of class. Office hours are a good time to discuss ideas generated in class, clarify assignments, and share common enthusiasms with professors. Eventually, you may well be asking professors for letters of recommendation, and strong, specific letters require that your professor know you as well as your work.

Can I take a term off from school and return?

Yes. If you return the next term you can simply register for classes along with UO continuing students. If you are away for more than three terms (not counting summer), you will need to file a re-enrollment form with the Office of the Registrar. Courtesy suggests that you notify your advisor of your plan to take time off. If you are receiving financial aid, be sure to discuss the implications with a financial aid counselor. You should also discuss your plans with University Housing if you are living in university housing. Summer session allows an opportunity to make up some classes missed during the regular school year.

What GPA is necessary to make the Dean's List?

Dean’s List designations are given to admitted undergraduates with a term GPA of at least 3.75 who have completed 15 total credits, with at least 12 credits graded. These designations are given fall, winter, and spring terms. These students receive a special designation on their academic records.

How do I change a course from graded to pass/no pass?

When you register for a course, DuckWeb automatically selects the graded option for classes where variable grading is available. If you wish to take the pass/no pass option, click "change variable credit/grading option" on the registration menu in DuckWeb. To make a grading option change for a course with an associated section, such as a lecture course with a lab or discussion section, use only the CRN of the lecture. In other words, change the grading option for the lecture but not the lab or discussion associated with the lecture. See the academic calendar for the deadline to change grading options. Remember to view your class schedule in text format to confirm that the changes you make are correct

What happens if I have several final exams scheduled on the same day?

You should review the schedule of final examinations on your DuckWeb schedule prior to registering to avoid conflicts, or if you wish to avoid multiple examinations on a single day. If you are scheduled to take MORE than three examinations in one day you may take an examination(s) as a make-up exam(s) at another time in the week. The Office of Academic Advising in 101 Oregon Hall will counsel students with multiple examination problems. You should contact the Office of Academic Advising at least two weeks BEFORE final examination week.


Where do I get a class schedule and a catalog?

The class schedule and the UO Catalog are both available online.

When do I register for classes?

Look at the list of when to register by going to the registration priority schedule. Priority for registration is determined by the number of credits you have completed. The more credits you have completed, the earlier you are able to register. For example, seniors (students who have completed more than 134 credits) register before sophomores (students who have completed 45-89 credits). Your registration time will also vary each term according to the last three digits of your student ID number.

What is a PAC? What is a PIN?

A PAC is your personal access code. It ensures the security of your academic and financial records. Used with your student ID number, your PAC is your password to registering for classes and for using DuckWeb.

The Office of Admissions provides you with your PAC when you apply for admission. When you first use your PAC, you will be asked to create a security question. If you have problems with your PAC, visit the Office of the Registrar on the 2nd Floor Oregon Hall with your photo ID.

The first time you register as a regularly enrolled student, you will need not only your ID and PAC, but a "registration PIN" as well. Your advisor will provide you with this PIN after you have attended IntroDUCKtion and been advised by a major advisor or an advisor who works with undeclared students.

Your advisor will give you a PIN after you have participated in an academic orientation and advising session. If you forget it or have trouble registering because of the PIN, please contact the Office of Academic Advising at 541-346-3211 or come to 101 Oregon Hall.


For frequently asked questions related to admission to the UO, please visit the Office of Admissions.

I've just been admitted to the university. When do I register for classes?

Registration for all new students occurs as a part of IntroDUCKtion or International Student Orientation. Orientations for students admitted for fall term include the May Advising Day for transfer students, IntroDUCKtion (in July), and Week of Welcome (in September). Students admitted for winter or spring term or summer session will attend a Mid-Year IntroDUCKtion. It is mandatory for all admitted undergraduate students to attend an orientation program. You will not be permitted to register for classes without attending an advising program.

What if I am unable to attend IntroDUCKtion?

If you are admitted as a freshman for the fall term, you should make every effort to attend IntroDUCKtion. At IntroDUCKtion, students receive an introduction to general academic and graduation requirements for the university. You will also have the opportunity to meet with a departmental or undeclared advisor who will help you select classes for the upcoming term and clarify the registration process. After you meet with an advisor, you will register for fall term courses in a campus computer lab.

If you are unable to attend IntroDUCKtion, you are required to come to Week of Welcome, which occurs in September. Week of Welcome is your final opportunity for orientation, advising, and registration for fall term. You will attend an academic advising workshop and an individual advising appointment before you will be able to register for your classes. Information about Week of Welcome is mailed to new students in August.

How many courses should I take my first quarter?

Four academic courses (a total of approximately 15-16 credits) are recommended per term. You must register for at least 12 credits to be considered a full-time undergraduate student. Some students may take more or fewer credits depending on their interests and whether they have other time commitments including jobs, family, and/or commuting. When you meet with an advisor at IntroDUCKtion, they will talk to you about your schedule and help you determine how many credits will be appropriate for you.

How do I get an e-mail address?

Visit DuckID.uoregon.edu for detailed information about requesting an account and getting an e-mail address.

How do AP, IB, CLEP, and military credits transfer to the UO?

Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), Military Credit, and College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) allow students to receive college credits. AP and IB tests are given to high school students. When you meet with your academic advisor at IntroDUCKtion, they will go over what credits you are transferring in through these and other programs.

AP, IB, CLEP, and military credit are awarded P* (Pass, no option of a letter grade) grades and count toward the 168 ABCDP* hours requirement.

Advanced Placement credit: For AP, only scores of 4 or 5 are considered for credit for most AP exams beginning in fall 2008. A score of 3 receives credit only on selected AP exams. Refer to the advanced credit on the registrar's website for further details.

International Baccalaureate credit: For IB, only scores of 5 are considered for credit.

College-Level Examination Program credit: A national College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) allows students to earn college credit by taking general exams in humanities, social sciences, and sciences, as well as subject exams. The general exams are limited to those who have completed fewer than 90 college credits.

Military Credit: As recommended by the American Council on Education’s Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services, and in accordance with university and state policies regarding transfer credit, the UO generally grants credit for military educational experience.

Is it possible to get credit by taking an examination without enrolling in a course?

Yes, it is, for some courses. Students who are admitted to and enrolled at the UO can challenge undergraduate courses—with the approval of the department—to earn credit by examination. While you can sometimes receive a grade for a credit by examination exam, it will not count toward your GPA. For more information consult the Office of the Registrar.

How do I know whether the courses I took at another school transferred (and the number of credits transferred)?

Once you are admitted as a UO student, but before you attend a new student orientation, you can view your transfer evaluation report on DuckWeb. These reports will show you how your previous college coursework has transferred to the UO. You should use these tools for planning future classes and bring them to your scheduled orientation session.

See the Office of the Registrar for transfer equivalency information.

It is important that you verify that all of your credit has been transferred to the UO Office of the Registrar. If you take classes somewhere other than the UO, be sure to submit an official transcript to the registrar.

How do I know what requirements I have already satisfied?

Click on “student menu.”

Click on “view degree audit.”

Address questions about transfer credits to a record specialist in the Office of Admissions, 220 Oregon Hall, or contact them by phone at 541-346-3243.


Do I have to have a major?

Yes. In order to graduate with an undergraduate degree, you must choose and complete a major.

A list of majors and minors appears in the UO Catalog.

Note that while most majors allow undergraduate students to choose a BA (bachelor of arts) or a BS (bachelor of science), some majors require a BA, BS, BFA (fine arts), BArch (architecture), BEd (education), BIArch (interior architecture), BLA (landscape architecture), or BMus (music).

When and how do I declare my major?

Nearly half of all UO students are undecided about majors when they enter college. On average, students should try to declare a major by the winter of their sophomore year. This usually puts them in a good position to graduate in four years. However, if you are interested in a graduate program that involves a lot of classes in sequence for your undergraduate major (e.g., science courses in preparation for medical school), you may need to declare a major—or at least begin your math and science sequences—earlier in order to graduate in four years.
NOTE: Exploring majors must declare a major or pre-major by the end of 4th week of their sixth term (first-time freshmen) or their third term (transfer students). Students who have not declared within that time frame will receive a registration PIN and must speak with an advisor before they can register for their next term. Students are eligible to change their major at any time, however, it is imperative to speak with an advisor first before changing a major.

Go to the main office of the department that oversees the major you want to declare. Then, request an appointment with an advisor in that department.

NOTE: Some majors require a more formal application process. These include architecture; art; business; education; family and human services; international studies; journalism; music; and planning, public policy, and management. Students interested in these majors should meet with an advisor during their freshman and sophomore years to discuss requirements to get into these majors.

How do I choose a major?

Most students have plenty of time to consider potential majors during their first two years of college. Use your freshman and sophomore years to try different courses while fulfilling your general education requirements. In addition, take an elective course every term in something that interests you.

Do I have to complete a minor?

No. Minors are optional but are strongly encouraged. Minors require at least 24 credits.

A list of minors appears in the UO Catalog.

How do I declare a minor?

Visit the department office of the minor you wish to add.


What can I do if I’m in a class that is over my head?

Talk with your instructor. New and unfamiliar material can feel intimidating for anyone. Study hard, immerse yourself in the subject, and then assess—with your instructor’s help—whether you really are in over your head. Consider seeking educational supports that are available on campus, such as tutoring through the Teaching and Learning Center (TLC).

Talk with an advisor in the Office of Academic Advising.

NOTE: To potentially avoid being over your head in a class, be sure you have met the prerequisites for a class before registering. Also, some courses are part of a yearlong sequence where each course builds on the material covered in previous courses in the sequence. Check with the department to find out whether or not you can take the class out of sequence. It might be possible for history courses but not permitted for physics or chemistry.

When is the deadline to drop or withdraw from class(es)?

For a calendar that includes academic deadlines, visit the website of the Office of the Registrar's academic dates and deadlines calendar. This calendar contains information about various deadlines including the deadlines for dropping and/or withdrawing.

The drop deadlines vary from term to term. On the class schedule, select a term, select a course, and then click the five-digit CRN for the withdrawal deadlines and tuition refund schedule for that course.

Remember to VIEW YOUR SCHEDULE IN TEXT FORMAT if you drop a class to confirm your changes are accurate.

How can I switch a section after the drop deadline?

You will need to petition the Academic Requirements Committee (ARC) to change sections of a course after the add/drop deadlines. To pick up a petition, please visit the Office of the Registrar on the 2nd Floor Oregon Hall.

How do I drop my classes?

If you drop your last class, you are withdrawing from the university for the term. Students who wish to withdraw must use DuckWeb to withdraw from one or all of their classes. If you have questions about withdrawing, please contact your academic advisor, department office, or an advisor in the Office of Academic Advising. This contact will give you the opportunity to discuss your options and address any questions you might have. More details about Complete Withdrawal are available here.

What do I do if I get an “F” in a class that I thought I had dropped?

You will need to petition the Scholastic Review Committee (SRC) for a retroactive withdrawal. To start the petition process, students must meet with an advisor in the Office of Academic Advising.


How many credits do I need to graduate?

All undergraduate students need at least a total of 180 credits to graduate. (Some professional degrees in the School of Architecture and Allied Arts require more than 180 credits.) A minimum of 62 of the total 180 credits must be upper-division credits (300 level and above).

Is there a limit on the number of Pass/No Pass (P/NP) courses I can take?

Yes. Students are generally limited to taking 12 credits of courses pass/no pass if the course is also offered for a grade. Courses that are offered only as P/NP (without a grading option) are considered P* courses. P* courses do not count towards the 12 credit limit. Regardless of the number of credits you need to finish your undergraduate degree, you need to have 168 credits in which you receive an A, B, C, D, P*. (If you graduate with more than 180 credits, the 12 credit limit could increase, but the 168 ABCDP* credits would remain.) Check your degree audit to review your progress on these and other degree requirements.

What is a BS and what is a BA?

A BA is a Bachelor of Arts degree. A BS is a Bachelor of Science degree. In many University of Oregon majors, students can choose to earn either a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science. Some majors lead only to a BA or BS. To earn a BA, students must demonstrate proficiency in a second language. To earn a BS, students must demonstrate proficiency in math and/or computer information science.

To earn a BA, you must demonstrate proficiency in a second language that is equivalent to two years of college work. This is usually done by completing two years of a second language at the college level. These classes must be passed with a C-, P, or above. There are other ways to demonstrate language proficiency, including an examination.

To earn a BS, you must demonstrate proficiency in mathematics and/or computer and information science (CIS). You can do this by passing the equivalent of one year of college-level work in mathematics and/or CIS with a C-minus, a P, or better. You may need to take up to five courses, depending on your experience in math and CIS.

If you are doing a BS, a second language is not required, unless it is required for your major. However, you may want to take a language anyway. Some language classes at the second-year level and above count toward arts and letters group requirements.

Once you decide to pursue either a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science, you can declare your choice by going to the Registrar's Office, 2nd Floor Oregon Hall.

How do I calculate my GPA?

Grade points are calculated by assigning points for each credit of a letter grade, as follows:

A+ 4.3
A 4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3.0
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C 2.0
C- 1.7
D+ 1.3
D 1.0
D- 0.7
F 0.0

Marks I, W, X, AUD, and Y, and grades N and P are not counted in the GPA calculation. The GPA is computed by dividing the sum of points by the sum of credits of A, B, C, D, F. If a letter grade has a + or – next to it, then you add .3 points per credit for ‘+’ or subtract .3 points per credit for ‘-‘.

You can find your UO GPA by looking at your transcript on DuckWeb. To figure out what grades you need in one term to affect your cumulative GPA, write down the number of "quality points" and "GPA credits" you have earned (listed at the bottom of your degree audit or transcript). Plug these numbers into the GPA calculator.

Estimate your cumulative GPA by typing expected term grades, and respective number of credits, into the chart on the right.

Where do I find out all of the requirements I need to complete to earn a bachelor’s degree?

There are many resources available to you that explain the University of Oregon bachelor’s degree requirements. These include concise charts in the student handbook, narrative description in the student handbook and UO Catalog.

Your degree audit shows how courses you have taken apply toward general university requirements, including total credits for graduation, upper-division credits, residence credits, graded credits, graded/P* credits, multicultural requirements, BA/BS requirements, and group requirements. In addition, your degree audit shows how courses you have taken apply toward your major requirements. Your degree audit is available on DuckWeb. If you have any questions on how to interpret your degree audit, please contact your major advisor or the Office of Academic Advising at 541-346-3211.


What is the policy on repeating courses?

University of Oregon policy on repeating courses can be found on the UO Office of the Registrar site.

What does an “I” grade mean on my transcript?

Instructors may assign the grade of “incomplete.” A student can request this designation, although the instructor decides whether to allow it. The “I” is appropriate when the student is passing the class and a small, but important, part of the class cannot be completed during the term of enrollment. The mark of “I” is placed on the transcript in place of a grade and indicates that coursework is not yet completed. As long as the “I” remains an “I,” it is considered non-punitive and does not affect the GPA.

How long do I have to complete an Incomplete?

The university requires an "I" to be removed within one calendar year (12 months). If the "I" is not completed within that time, the grade will automatically convert to an "F" (the "I" to "F" policy does not apply to graduate students). When an "I" grade is given, the student should negotiate a contract with the instructor assigning the "I" grade, about when and how the "I" will be changed to a grade. STUDENTS MUST NOT RE-ENROLL IN THE COURSE IN A SUBSEQUENT TERM. This is not an appropriate method for completing an "I." Instructors may establish an earlier deadline for the work required to be completed.

How do I appeal a grade?

Students who feel they have been graded unfairly in a course should review the issue first with the faculty member. Following this review, if the students are not satisfied they should discuss the problem with the chairperson of the department in which the course was taken. If the student does not feel satisfied with the result of meeting with the instructor or the department chairperson, he/she may make an appointment with an advisor in the Office of Academic Advising by visiting 101 Oregon Hall or by calling 541-346-3211. The advisor can explain options to the student, including petitioning the Scholastic Review Committee. If you have not met with your instructor or the department chairperson, your advisor will send you to meet with them first before discussing a petition.