Tri-Party Agreement
The TPA is a legally binding agreement consisting of the following two main documents:
- The "Legal Agreement" itself, which describes the roles, responsibilities and authorities of the three agencies, or "Parties", in the cleanup, compliance and permitting processes. It also sets up dispute resolution processes and describes how the agreement will be enforced.
- The "Action Plan" to implement the cleanup and permitting efforts, which includes milestones (in Appendix D) for initiating and completing specific work, and procedures the three agencies must follow.
Additionally, an associated plan, called the "Public Involvement Plan," describes how the public will be informed and involved throughout the cleanup process.
- The Agreement
- Administrative Record
- Announcements
- Data Management
- Hanford Public Involvement Plan
- Hanford Site Waste Management Units Report
- List of Approved Changes
- List of Approved IAMIT Decisions/Determinations
- Modifications for Public Comment
- MP-14 WIDS Information
- TPA Project Managers Lists
- TPA Amendment/Revision History
- Quarterly Milestone Review and IAMIT Schedule
- Related Links
For questions or comments, please send e-mail to Stephanie Brasher.
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