Export as PDF

Saves the current file to Portable Document Format (PDF) version 1.4. A PDF file can be viewed and printed on any platform with the original formatting intact, provided that supporting software is installed.

To access this command.

Choose File - Export as PDF


Export Directly as PDF

General tab


Sets the export options for the pages included in the PDF file.


Exports all defined print ranges. If no print range is defined, exports the entire document.


Exports the pages you type in the box.

To export a range of pages, use the format 3-6. To export single pages, use the format 7;9;11. If you want, you can export a combination of page ranges and single pages, by using a format like 3-6;8;10;12.


Exports the current selection.


Sets the PDF export options for images inside your document.

Note Icon EPS images with embedded previews are exported only as previews. EPS images without embedded previews are exported as empty placeholders.

Lossless compression

Selects a lossless compression of images. All pixels are preserved.

JPEG compression

Selects a JPEG compression of images. With a high quality level, almost all pixels are preserved. With a low quality level, some pixels get lost and artefacts are introduced, but file sizes are reduced.


Enter the quality level for JPEG compression.

Reduce image resolution

Select to resample or down-size the images to a lower number of pixels per inch.

Select the target resolution for the images.


Sets general PDF export options.

Hybrid PDF (embed ODF file)

This setting enables you to export the document as a .pdf file containing two file formats: PDF and ODF. In PDF viewers it behaves like a normal .pdf file and it remains fully editable in LibreOffice.

Archive PDF/A-1a (ISO 19005-1)

Converts to the PDF/A-1a format. This is defined as an electronic document file format for long term preservation. All fonts that were used in the source document will be embedded into the generated PDF file. PDF tags will be written.

Tagged PDF (add document structure)

Select to write PDF tags. This can increase file size by huge amounts.

Tagged PDF contains information about the structure of the document contents. This can help to display the document on devices with different screens, and when using screen reader software.

Export bookmarks

Select to export bookmarks of Writer documents as PDF bookmarks. Bookmarks are created for all outline paragraphs ( Tools - Chapter Numbering ) and for all table of contents entries for which you did assign hyperlinks in the source document.

Export comments

Select to export comments of Writer and Calc documents as PDF notes.

To export comments of Writer documents as they are shown in LibreOffice, choose LibreOffice - Preferences Tools - Options - LibreOffice Writer - Print and select the In margins option in the Comments area. The exported pages will be scaled down and the comments will be placed into their margins.

Create PDF form

Choose to create a PDF form. This can be filled out and printed by the user of the PDF document.

Submit format

Select the format of submitting forms from within the PDF file.

Select the format of the data that you will receive from the submitter: FDF (Forms Data Format), PDF, HTML, or XML.

This setting overrides the control's URL property that you set in the document.

Allow duplicate field names

Allows you to use the same field name for multiple fields in the generated PDF file. If disabled, field names will be exported using generated unique names.

Export automatically inserted blank pages

If switched on, automatically inserted blank pages are exported to the PDF file. This is best if you are printing the pdf file double-sided. Example: In a book a chapter paragraph style is set to always start with an odd numbered page. If the previous chapter ends on an odd page, LibreOffice inserts an even numbered blank page. This option controls whether to export that even numbered page or not.

Use reference XObjects

This option affects how PDF images are exported back to PDF. When this option is disabled, then the first page of the PDF data is included in the output. The PDF export merges the used images, fonts and other resources during export. This is a complex operation, but the result can be viewed in various viewers. When the option is enabled, then the reference XObject markup is used: this is a simple operation, but viewers have to support this markup to show vector images. Otherwise a fallback bitmap is shown in the viewer.

Initial View tab


Page only

Select to generate a PDF file that shows only the page contents.

Bookmarks and page

Select to generate a PDF file that shows a bookmarks palette and the page contents.

Thumbnails and page

Select to generate a PDF file that shows a thumbnails palette and the page contents.

Open on page

Select to show the given page when the reader opens the PDF file.



Select to generate a PDF file that shows the page contents without zooming. If the reader software is configured to use a zoom factor by default, the page shows with that zoom factor.

Fit in window

Select to generate a PDF file that shows the page zoomed to fit entirely into the reader's window.

Fit width

Select to generate a PDF file that shows the page zoomed to fit the width of the reader's window.

Fit visible

Select to generate a PDF file that shows the text and graphics on the page zoomed to fit the width of the reader's window.

Zoom factor

Select a given zoom factor when the reader opens the PDF file.

Page layout


Select to generate a PDF file that shows the pages according to the layout setting of the reader software.

Single page

Select to generate a PDF file that shows one page at a time.


Select to generate a PDF file that shows pages in a continuous vertical column.

Continuous facing

Select to generate a PDF file that shows pages side by side in a continuous column. For more than two pages, the first page is displayed on the right.

First page is left

Select to generate a PDF file that shows pages side by side in a continuous column. For more than two pages, the first page is displayed on the left. You must enable support for complex text layout on Language settings - Languages in the Options dialog box.

User Interface tab

Window options

Resize window to initial page

Select to generate a PDF file that is shown in a window displaying the whole initial page.

Center window on screen

Select to generate a PDF file that is shown in a reader window centered on screen.

Open in full screen mode

Select to generate a PDF file that is shown in a full screen reader window in front of all other windows.

Display document title

Select to generate a PDF file that is shown with the document title in the reader's title bar.

User interface options

Hide menu bar

Select to hide the reader's menu bar when the document is active.

Hide toolbar

Select to hide the reader's toolbar when the document is active.

Hide window controls

Select to hide the reader's controls when the document is active.


Use transition effects

Select to export Impress slide transition effects to respective PDF effects.


All bookmark levels

Select to show all bookmark levels when the reader opens the PDF file.

Visible bookmark levels

Select to show bookmark levels down to the selected level when the reader opens the PDF file.

Links tab

Specify how to export bookmarks and hyperlinks in your document.

Export bookmarks as named destinations

The bookmarks (targets of references) in PDF files can be defined as rectangular areas. Additionally, bookmarks to named objects can be defined by their names. Enable the checkbox to export the names of objects in your document as valid bookmark targets. This allows you to link to those objects by name from other documents.

Convert document references to PDF targets

Enable this checkbox to convert the URLs referencing other ODF files to PDF files with the same name. In the referencing URLs the extensions .odt, .odp, .ods, .odg, and .odm are converted to the extension .pdf.

Export URLs relative to file system

Enable this checkbox to export URLs to other documents as relative URLs in the file system. See "relative hyperlinks" in the Help.

Cross-document links

Specify how to handle hyperlinks from your PDF file to other files.

Default mode

Links from your PDF document to other documents will be handled as it is specified in your operating system.

Open with PDF reader application

Cross-document links are opened with the PDF reader application that currently shows the document. The PDF reader application must be able to handle the specified file type inside the hyperlink.

Open with Internet browser

Cross-document links are opened with the Internet browser. The Internet browser must be able to handle the specified file type inside the hyperlink.

Security tab

Set passwords

Click to open a dialog where you enter the passwords.

You can specify a password needed to view the PDF. You can enter an optional password that allows the person viewing the PDF to edit and/or print the document.


Not permitted

Printing the document is not permitted.

Low resolution (150 dpi)

The document can only be printed in low resolution (150 dpi). Not all PDF readers honor this setting.

High resolution

The document can be printed in high resolution.


Not permitted

No changes of the content are permitted.

Inserting, deleting, and rotating pages

Only inserting, deleting, and rotating pages is permitted.

Filling in form fields

Only filling in form fields is permitted.

Commenting, filling in form fields

Only commenting and filling in form fields is permitted.

Any except extracting pages

All changes are permitted, except extracting pages.

Enable copying of content

Select to enable copying of content to the clipboard.

Enable text access for accessibility tools

Select to enable text access for accessibility tools.

Digital Signatures tab

This tab contains the options related to exporting to a digitally signed PDF.

Digital signatures are used to ensure that the PDF was really created by the original author (i.e. you), and that the document has not been modified since it was signed.

The signed PDF export uses the keys and X.509 certificates already stored in your default key store location or on a smartcard.

When using a smartcard, it must already be configured for use by your key store. This is usually done during installation of the smartcard software.

Use this certificate to digitally sign PDF documents

Allows you to select a certificate to be used for signing this PDF export.


Opens the Select Certificate dialog.

All certificates found in your selected key store are displayed. If the key store is protected by a password, you are prompted for it. When using a smartcard that is protected by a PIN, you are also prompted for that.

Select the certificate to use for digitally signing the exported PDF by clicking on the corresponding line, then click OK .

All other fields on the Digital Signatures tab will be accessible only after a certificate has been selected.

Certificate password

Enter the password used for protecting the private key associated with the selected certificate. Usually this is the key store password.

Note Icon If the key store password has already been entered in the Select Certificate dialog, the key store may already be unlocked and not require the password again. But to be on the safe side, enter it nevertheless.
Warning Icon When using a smartcard, enter the PIN here. Some smartcard software will prompt you for the PIN again before signing. This is cumbersome, but that's how smartcards work.

Location, Contact information, Reason

These three fields allow you to optionally enter additional information about the digital signature that will be applied to the PDF (Where, by whom and why it was made). It will be embedded in the appropriate PDF fields and will be visible to anyone viewing the PDF. Each or all of the three fields may be left blank.

Time Stamp Authority

Allows you to optionally select a Time Stamping Authority (TSA) URL.

During the PDF signing process, the TSA will be used to obtain a digitally signed timestamp that is then embedded in the signature. This (RFC 3161) timestamp will allow anyone viewing the PDF to verify when the document was signed.

The list of TSA URLs that can be selected is maintained under LibreOffice - Preferences Tools - Options - LibreOffice - Security - TSAs .

If no TSA URL is selected (the default), the signature will not be timestamped, but will use the current time from your local computer.

Export button

Exports the current file in PDF format.

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